티스토리 뷰

리딩센터에서 접했던 책들이라 들이지 말까하다가 들였네요. 도서관서 한 권씩 음원 찾아가며 보여줬던 고생을 내가 왜 했나 싶네요. 책들이 상자에 딱 들어가는게 보기에도 너무 좋아요. 무엇보다 아이가 오자마자 6권 CD로 음원을 듣고 책마다 있는 활동 학습도 하네요. 노트에다 문장도 써 보고 있어요. 쉬워서 어디서 본 책이라서 친근하게 볼 수 있는 것 같아요. (저희 집 아이는 12세랍니다.영어를 안하고 싶은데 하면서 겨우 하고 있는 친구라...ㅋㅋ)

Perfect for sharing at bedtime and also a great way for children to get to grips with reading themselves as they embark on their own personal reading journey, this massive 50-book collection will quickly become a bookshelf favourite. With gorgeous illustrations and easy-to-follow stories, the books will allow children to gradually take over a greater share of the reading, building their confidence all the time. The stories cover wishes, magic and animals and are sure to be returned to again and again.Of the books featured in this collection, 22 are from the Usborne Very First Reading range, which is designed specifically for shared reading, while 12 are from Level One and 16 from Level Two, which are designed for the little one to take over a greater share of the story.Titles in this collectionThere Was a Crocked Man, The Three Wishes, The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, The Tortoise and the Eagle, The Lion and the Mouse, King Midas and the Gold, The Magic Melon, Little Miss Muffett, How Bear Lost His Tail, The Rabbit s Tale, The Greedy Dog, The Daydreamer, Bad Jack Fox, A Fright in the Night, The Deep Dark Woods, The Dragon and the Phoenix, Clever Rabbit and the Lion, King Donkey Ears, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, How Elephants Lost Their Wings, Old Mother Hubbard, One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, The Genie in the Bottle, The Ant and the Grasshopper, Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom, The Perfect Pet, Captain Mac, Double Trouble, Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester, The Wish Fish, Mr Mystery, The Monster Diner, Knight Fight, The Circus Under The Sea, Wild School, Late Night at the Zoo, Run Rabbit Run!, The Sun and the Wind. The Fox and the Stork, The Magic Ring, Grizzl Bear Rock, A Bus For Miss Moss, Dog Diary, The Queen Makes a Scene, The Dressing-Up Box, Stop That Cow!, Pirate Pat, Moon Zoom